Here you find the website of organisations where you can also find information on (the submission of) medical scientific research with human subjects.
The Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO).
This website of the body responsible for implementing the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO) and the Embryo’s Act contains, amongst other things, general information on the Dutch legal framework concerning medical scientific research, the review process and procedures, the Standard research file and the accredited Medical Ethics Committees in the Netherlands.
Dutch Clinical Research Foundation. (DRCF)
The Dutch Clinical Research Foundation is a foundation whose purpose is to maximise and facilitate clinical research so valuable knowledge and science will be of use to patients as soon as possible.
EudraCT is a database of all clinical trials which commenced in the Community from 1 May 2004, and also includes clinical trials linked to European paediatric drug development. Through this website the EudraCT number can be created and the application form can be filled out. A EudraCT form is required for the application of a research with a medicinal product for WMO approval to an accredited Ethics Committee and the National Competent Authority. The new research is saved in the database. For help regarding the EudraCT form, please consult the FAQ.
UMCG Clinical Research Toolbox & Research Register.
All applications submitted to the METc for review have to be registered in the UMCG Research Registry. UMCG employees can apply for an account to register their study via this link (use Firefox or Edge browser). Moreover, the Research Toolbox gives the UMCG Researcher access to checklists, SOP’s and templates for quality management of scientific research.
For access to the Toolbox and the Research Registry you can contact the Clinical Research Office at: or by telephone +31 (0)50- 361 5522 for assistance on registration.